"Dedicated to keeping pets safe"
CURRENT OWNER'S NAME: _________________________________________________________________
ADRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________
CITY: _____________________________ STATE: _______________ ZIP CODE: ___________________
PHONE: _________________________
1. The Adopter agrees that the dog/cat adopted will be kept only as a domesticated house pet for their personal use and/or immediate family. This means that dogs will be kept indoors except for exercise in a yard or on a lease when being walked. Cats will be kept indoors at all times unless a screened porch is available. The adopted animal will not be allowed to roam freely.
2. The Adopter confirms proper veterinary care will be provided at all times which includes annual vaccinations. If necessary, the dog/cat will be spayed/neutered as to prevent it from being used for breeding purposes. Clean and adequate shelter, food and water will be provided.
3. The Adopter verifies that they have never been subject to legal action for cruelty, abuse or neglect of animals and has never had an animal confiscated by animal control or a humane organization.
4. The Adopter represents that all family members are aware and have agreed to the adoption.
5. The Adopter agrees that the animal is for personal use only and will not be resold for profit.
6. The Adopter (if a tenant) verifies that they have landlord permission to own an animal (proof may be asked such as a lease agreement)
7. The Adopter agrees to verification such as a Driver's license as proof of identity.
8. The Adopter agrees they will not sell, give away or dispose of the animal for any reason. If the Adopter can no longer care for the animal, the adopter agrees to return the animal or find a reputable rescue to safely rehome them.
9. The Adopter agrees that the pet shall wear a collar or harness with identification tags at all times.
I hereby certify that all the statements made by me on this adoption agreement are true and correct. If any statements are false, I may be subject to civil action by law.
ADOPTER'S NAME: _____________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________
CITY: _______________________________ STATE: _______________ ZIP CODE: _________________
PHONE: ________________________
ADOPTER'S SIGNATURE: _________________________________________ DATE: ______________